PROESZA S.L. has an important topography department formed by a team with extensive experience in all sectors of topography and photogrammetry. In addition, we have the most modern topographic equipment (G.P.S., Total Stations, Levels, Laser Scanner, UAV...), as well as powerful software tools.
Our main areas of activity can be structured as follows:
Proesza JAPAN
Due to the existing needs and the significant demand for work, since 2013 Proesza has a subsidiary company in Japan where it develops works of topography and calculation of drainage in the implementation of new photovoltaic solar parks in various areas of the country. In this way, the company has permanently several Technical Engineers in Topography assigned to various works in Japan.
We carry out the work of topographic survey and monitoring of the works during the execution phase.
We are currently developing this area of activity with a view to implementing this type of work in other surrounding countries.