This type of work will be carried out for the duration of the total contract period, which is 12 months, extendable for an additional 36 months. In general terms, the type of work to be carried out will be as follows:
- Discontinuous data collection from the auscultation devices of the dam, with personal means on site.
- Data collection from the existing auscultation devices in the I-13 landslide, as well as discontinuous topographic data collection at the present milestones.
- Monitoring of the second step of the commissioning, with daily inspections and measurements.
- Through the data collection carried out, the corresponding recording, processing, analysis and interpretation of the data will be carried out. As a result, the corresponding detailed weekly, monthly, half-yearly and annual reports will be prepared at a later date, as appropriate in each case.
- Support and advice to the designated Chief Engineer, both in relation to the above issues of auscultation, topography and commissioning, as well as in other matters: geology and geotechnics, measuring equipment, laboratory tests and trials, etc.

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